Saturday, May 30, 2009

new job

Well, I wasn't really looking but I found a job! I'll be working for a company called MedAssist, as a patient representative. The company is on contract with the hospital and they help uninsured patients with programs like medicaid, SSI & SSD, etc. to cover medical expenses or work out payment plans. My degree (which I will finish within the year) is in psychology with a minor in health care admin so this will work out great. I am finally on my chosen career path at 42! lol
I couldn't be happier right now - since we have moved here to Arkansas everything has just come together and I finally feel like I have control of my life for the first time in decades. After I left the Air Force I was lost - it was really tough. I was young and I didn't think about what I would do, I just wanted to go home after six years in different places alone. Then I got the job at Ford at the assembly plant where I met Shawn. The job paid well and I stayed for nine years, Iwould probably still be there if fear hadn't gotten the best of us and sent us scurrying for Arizona (a story for another day). Since 2000 I have had one crappy job after the other which prompted me to start college in 2005 after Luke was born. I have been going ever since...
The hard work and the struggle is finally paying off and I am elated, no, euphoric!
I have been in touch now with my sister and she is struggling right now as a single mom. In Ohio there are just no decent jobs left so she is underpaid and overwhelmed. In 2005 and 2006 we went to school together (online) and helped each other a lot but when she left her husband and moved back to our hometown, everything changed (another story for another day). I'm glad I can be there for her right now as support since she knows I have experience with struggling in Ohio, empathy goes a long way on a bad day.

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