Tuesday, December 16, 2008

first ice storm

I experienced my first ice storm here in Arkansas yesterday and it was funny to me how everything pretty much shut down for the day - our mail didn't even come. I didn't venture out either though, I hate the cold, that's part of the reason I was more than a little eager to move here to a warmer climate. I hated the Ohio winter, all that snow and slush, shovels and ice-scrapers, hats and gloves. I have a huge collection of all this cold weather garb - we each have several coats, jackets, hats, boots, scarves, etc. and I doubt we'll wear most of it ever again. It's supposed to be in the 60's on Friday so this ice storm will be all melted away soon and we'll forget all about it. That's what folks from the snowbelt do - they forget storms quickly.

I liked having a lazy day to relax and get a few things done around the house. I have to take it slowly since I had surgery just 4 weeks ago. My husband vacuums for me and lifts the heavy stuff. I must say for a man his age he is capable of some spectacular physical strength and endurance. He moved all of our stuff into that U-Haul truck himself including our appliances, furniture, hot tub, everything! I had just had surgery not two weeks before we left so I was completely useless other than to keep our son out of the way. It was quite nerve wracking watching him lift and carry some of this stuff. Then he had to get into the truck, towing my car and drive all the way here. We stopped once for the night at a hotel to rest but as soon as we got there and signed papers for the house Shawn had to start unloading the truck. He did great with no complaint and after some slow but steady progress we are pretty well settled in. AAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........

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