Sunday, June 14, 2009

home sweet home

I got home from my trip on Friday and I'm so glad to be back in the country. The big city is exciting but I don't like driving there. I loved the restaurants and shopping but the highways and by-ways - good riddance. I love my small rural community here now more than ever. I feel so lucky to have gotten this great new job and I cannot wait to meet all of my new co-workers. Tomorrow is the big day!
I am finishing up a course also and I wrote my academic advisor about taking a week off between classes so I can catch my breath. I had to work a week ahead to make the trip for training and now I am writing a final paper while starting a new job so it was a bit too much. A week off from school will be nice...
I can't wait to make new friends. One of my trainers in St.Louis was fantastic and I wish we were neighbors because we had so much in common it was scary. I'll have to keep in touch with her and take a weekend trip to hang out with her and our families. Here I still know no one but once I'm working in the hospital that should change...
I am off right now to lounge in the pool and maintain this fabulous tan. lol
Shawn has officially taken over house duties so all I have to do is work, school and relax - NICE!!!! Truth be told he's better at it than I am anyway, especially in the cooking department. I'm so lucky! ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, can you believe I just saw your comment from April! LOL I'm just now updating my blog from the summer. I see you haven't posted much in the past couple of months. I'm sure it has something to do with being a mom, finishing school, and working full-time!!! I'm sorry we didn't get together to go to the community center like you had mentioned. I'm pretty sure this weekend will be the last weekend it is opened. They usually close up right when school starts. My kids start on Wed.

    Well, I'll watch your blog for some updates! Hope things are going good with the new job.
