Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I have been trying so very hard to find my center lately...I work too much with school and my job right now for much 'me' time. Not to mention how very little time I have for my other half (sorry Shawn). I have been going to school since 2005 with very few breaks but the end is near - and stillness lies ahead...I hope to reach my goal of staying home full time and building my career from home. I want to write and teach online college courses. I still have to tackle at least my Master's first but I intend to do this all within the next two years if not sooner. It would seem the chaos followed me here from Ohio but is of another variety for sure (in the best way possible). Shawn is hard at work improving our home, taking care of me and my son, the dogs, the cleaning, the laundry, the cooking, the yard work, etc and I'm hard at work at the hospital or doing schoolwork and my free time I spend with my son so Shawn can get things done that he can't do when I am not here and helping him get caught up with the housework - he has a tough job. We are both tired and a bit overwhelmed but we both see the light at the end of that tunnel...stillness and freedom. Cannot wait to work from home...

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